Friday, January 20, 2012

The Beginning

There is a place where a single lady comes too, when she realises life needs a partner.
Man and woman, we were designed this way - we were designed to form one with our future Spouse with God as the head.
Single girls all around are getting snapped up by there future Mr, but a lonely life i still lead.
Singleness is not all it's cracked up to be, this unending freedom- is bound by lack of purpose and people to experience with.
I don't want to be stuck with lonely memories.
I want life, and life is family- the people who love you through trials, through pain, through sacrifice. Love can not be divided, only multiplied.
So this Blog is my desperate plight in unearthing a single woman's inmost thoughts.

I believe in a God who loves, who plans, who handpicks, who gives, who blesses, who heals, who is available. My God is teaching me patience right now, in my standstill of Grace- but he has a plan, he has a future, he has a man he's training up - i just need to trust and wait it out.

In the meantime, i am fervently seeking, always seeking in God's Grace.
knowing not the unending love of an earthly father, Jesus is taking the full load.
and it is hard, knowing i have no control - it is hard.

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